the dance collector

Bringing a new are of dance performance

providing affordable production and performance space for all kinds of artists

The problem

After building an independent dance company we always struggled to find affordable space with enough floor space to dance. Dance is by far the most costly form of art these days. It is inefficient, takes up a lot of space, and takes up a lot of time. 

Space to dance is not cheap. Theater prices are very high and charge per seat or per square meter.  Like this it is unsustainable for independent artists to present their work on medium to bigger stages.

This needs to change.

The solution
We are going to change this with our location here in the Netherlands. Bringing multiple independent makers together in a dedicated show for independent artists we can bring the these prices down.

We will offer:
  • Performance programs where independent artists can show their works for a fair price.
  • Suitable theaters for solo's, duets, and small independent works.
  • A book and go system. No more will you be one application out of hundreds of applicants.
  • Technical support, professional photography, and video recording. 
  • Everyone, every style, every nation, and every level amateur, student, or professional is welcome! (with the exception of counter-technique)

Over the year we will provide multiple moments, Events where you the artist can book into. There will be limited spots available and you can book directly. You pay per performance length instead of a fixed price based on floor-space and seats. 

Currently we provide options for:
  • Tiny 10 minute works
  • Small 25 minute works
  • medium 45 minute works
You can find these in our "Artist booking platform." Once payment is complete you will be included in the program of the dance collector and perform your work on the chosen performance day.

The team

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